더 나은 세상은 가능하다, 이정환닷컴!

라즈베리 파이 오디오 만들기.

Written by leejeonghwan

July 12, 2023

시간 날 때마다 만들었던 라즈베리파이 오디오. 드디어 완성. 사실 별 거 없는데 여기저기서 부품 조달하고 거기에 맞춰 도면 만드는 게 힘들었습니다.

build log는 영어로.

This is my new network audio system. All in one Integrated Amplifier.

1. Raspberry Pi 4B.
2. Hifiberry DAC+DSP.
3. 7 inch touch screen for raspberry pi.
4. Chromecast audio. (for voice control & optical input.)
5. Icepower 250ASX. (power amp, 125W for each channel.)

All of this in one box. 270(W) X 120(H) X 180(D) mm.

And I add a USB keyboard and USB volume controller so I can physically turn up or down the volume and select the previous or next song. Of course I can also control it with touch screen. The keyboard panel is connected to the “previous” & “next” button switch, and the volume knob is connected to the “enter” key on the keyboard to support push stop and push play.

Everything is included, so I only need to connect the speakers. I also installed Volumio, but in my case, Hifiberry OS was more intuitive and I was satisfied because it supports a USB keyboard.

Of course, it can be remotely controlled from a smartphone or PC. Airplay as well as Bluetooth is supported. I connected the wireless remote control, too.

I heard the DAC 2HD has better sound quality, but I chose the DAC+DSP because I needed a chromecast audio input.
So it can supports chromecast audio input. It’s connected to Google Home, so I can use voice commands to select and turn music on or off. When the optical input is enabled, the Raspberry Pi input is automatically cut off.

Chromecast audio is now discontinued, but I think it’s a really amazing product. It is small, cheap, and has functions that are only possible in Chromecast. For example, an analog output and an optical output are simultaneously supported with one hole. And it is the only solution that can connect audio with Google Assistant without coding.

The Higiberry DAC+DSP has an optical input and an optical output terminal, so all you have to do is connect it to the Chromecast audio. It’s really simple. If there is an optical input signal, other inputs may be set to be blocked. So if you listen to Mozart on Spotify and say “Ok, Google, play Bach!”, Mozart will be stopped and Baha will be played.
As you know, optical input has much less sound loss than Bluetooth. I compared it to analog input and the optical input made a much better sound. I love this.

I made this case by stacking 18mm thick birch plywood. I made a drawing and asked the woodworking center to produce it. I’m a little worried that the inside will be too hot, but I think it’s okay. A cooling fan was also installed on the back lid. It’s a bit loud.


leejeonghwan.com audio
Voiced by Amazon Polly

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